We’ve been working hard on bringing you a ton of new improvements, notably adding the option to change the default mouse-over and call-to-action texts. Read on to find out what else is new.
Changing the default mouse-over texts for hotspots
You can now change the default mouse-over texts of each hotspot type (i.e. page link, link, product, video), per group. Here’s how:
- Click on Language & Branding.
- Scroll down to the section Default hotspot titles.
- Set your own default hotspot title(s).
- Click on Save.
Changing the call-to-action button text for product hotspots (configurable per group)
It’s now also possible to change the text of the call-to-action button in product hotspots. To do this:
- Click on Language & Branding.
- Under the section Viewer styling, set your own call-to-action text.
- Click on Save.
Sharing products to Pinterest
Besides sharing to Facebook, Twitter, and email, end users can now also share product hotspots from your digital publications to their Pinterest profiles.
Sharing a publication from the desktop viewer
End users can now share a publication from the desktop viewer to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or via email.
Recent Updates overview
We added the Recent Updates overview to help you keep track of what we’ve added, improved, or fixed. You can find this overview by clicking on the Recent Updates button in the top menu bar.
Removed YouTube video suggestions at the end of videos
End users will no longer get to see video suggestions when they finish watching a video in your digital catalogs.
Improved speed in Publication Editor when creating product hotspots
Our product team cast a magic spell to make sure you can create product hotspots even faster.
Automatically hide Safari’s menu bar on iOS 7.1 (mobile viewer only)
We believe that your content is what makes a great customer experience—all we can do is enhance that experience. With the latest iOS update, we were able to automatically hide Safari’s menu bar for iPhone users. This way, more of your content becomes visible, enabling customers to enjoy more of a full screen experience.

New view on iOS devices.