Use Publitas to turn your content into a beautiful online digital brochure that works on PC, Mac, iOS & Android.
Simply sign up for Publitas and drag & drop your content files into our app to get an online link. It's that simple.
Brochures published with Publitas will load faster than any other solution out there.
All brochures on Publitas work on desktops as well as iOS & Android mobile devices.
Get an embed code to show your brochure on your website or use the link to share it in your newsletter.
We will not show any third party advertisements or ruin your brochure with other distractions.
We host your brochure. Safe, reliable & secure.
Easily enrich your digital brochures with more content.
Create interactive brochures by linking to any website.
Engage your audience by adding YouTube videos to your online brochures.
Publitas is easy to use, allows us to quickly transform a brochure/PDF to a digital flipbook and has a great helpdesk. For our customers, it makes our PDF files much more pleasant to read. They no longer have to scroll through the pages, instead they can simply read it like a magazine, which is very pleasant.”
Paula Kort
Marketing Communication
Forbo Flooring
I like the versatility. Readers can turn pages online, download as a PDF, use links to provide access to Facebook, Twitter, and other websites, and easily send the link on to friends. I also like how the publication automatically fits on various devices; tablets, smartphones, and computer monitors. I really like the thumbnail pages in the sidebar, and the search command, this fits very well with the way people are getting accustomed to accessing information. It is seamless and fast. Tech Support is very prompt should it be needed.”
Ann Nunley
© All rights reserved. Registered office: B.V., J.H. Oortweg 21, 2333 CH, Leiden, the Netherlands.
CoC (KvK): 39096214. VAT (BTW): NL817087151B01.